Setup/Account Tab

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Setup/Account Tab

The account tab is used to store the following information:

  • Main teacher account
  • Studio contact information
  • Studio address & timezone

Main teacher account

When you first create a Taramala account, the identifying name and email that you use will be used to create a default teacher in Taramala as well as an account that can be used to login to Taramala.

Studio contact information

When you first create a Taramala account, the identifying name and email that you use will be used to create the default contact information. This email address will be used by Taramala to contact you if necessary.

Studio organization name & address

This information is mainly used in emails that Taramala sends out to help identify your studio.

Studio timezone

Setting the studio's timezone is important so that class times reflect your studio's time. You can setup a timezone in the Setup/Account tab.


If the timezone is not set but the State (i.e. California or CA) is specified in the address. This address information will be used to set a correct timezone.

For simplicity, since most Taramala studios are in the United States, not all timezones are listed since there are close to 100 of them. If you, don't see your timezone, then contact and we'll have you set up in a few minutes.

Note that for remote studios that are in a different timezone because they are in a different country or in a state that has a different timezone, when those student's look at the class schedule, they will class times in their timezone. For example, a studio in Massachusetts has a class at 12PM (or noon). A student in California which has a 3 hour time difference will see the time of that class in the browser as being a 9AM because that is when the class will happen in California.

For emails that go out, they all will show the time in the studio's timezone with the timezone spelled out.