Migration Strategies

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Migrating student data to Taramala

If you have existing punchcard students, you should add them now along with their punchcard information. Other than that, student additions are quick and can be done directly from the Class Signin Tab the first time a student signs into class. You can also send us a comma separated file of students to be imported.

Depending on whether you are switching from another yoga studio application or simply switching from a manual index card based punch card system you can follow different strategies.

Starting from scratch

If you are opening a new studio or just starting to use payment packages such as punchcards or subscriptions, all you need to do is add student information (i.e. student names, emails and phone numbers).

Starting from a manual punch card system

If you are using something like index cards to keep track of student punchcards, you can make a pass through the punchcards and for each punch card

  • Add the student
  • Select the student in the student grid to edit
  • Select the punch card button to add a punchcard for the student (the button looks like a credit card).

Create a punchcard

  • Select 'Edit Details' to set the number of classes in the punch card to be equal to how many classes they have paid for and update the expiration date.

Update punchcard details

Starting from another yoga studio application

  • export punch card information from the yoga studio application
  • for each punchcard
    • add the student
    • add a punchcard to Taramala for the student setting the number of classes in the punchcard to be equal to how many classes they have paid for
  • for each subscription, create a corresponding subscription in Taramala